Unveiling the Secrets: Your Guide to the Sea People


Venturing beyond Sainte-Anne in Skull and Bones, one of your initial big missions involves the Sea People, a group allied with Scurlock. Your task? Deliver weapon caches to their settlement. But hold on – there's an extra mission in the mix: hunting down the elusive Sea People Relic.

To track down this relic, you're handed a treasure map. The map gives you a general idea of where the relic hides, but the nitty-gritty details are on you. If you're itching to discover the Sea People Relic and crack the treasure map in Skull and Bones, here's the scoop.

Upon reaching Fort Louis, hop off your boat once you hit the cozy inlet on the island's south side. Here, you can chat with the Fara clan, sworn enemies of the Sea People, and mingle with fellow pirates.

Once ashore, head straight, take a left at the stone wall, and spot some wooden planks in the sand. Right in front of a wooden structure, you'll notice a glowing orange light emanating from the sand. This is the spot. Stand here, and a prompt to "Dig Up Item" will pop up – no special tools required. Your character will do the digging honors, and voila! The Sea People Relic is now yours. Happy hunting!

skull and bones

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